
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week 3 : Critical Issues in Education

      Almost every day we read about vandalisms that occur at school. A school is supposedly to be a safe heaven for the students to have a better study. These vandalisms could be avoided if preventive measures are taken to keep the school vandalisms-free zone. At the same time, I keep questioning myself how could this kind of thing happened among students? What are the contribution factors to this matter? I have figured out some relevant causes to this problem personally.

      Firstly, these growing up teenagers are lack of parental control and they keen on getting attention by doing these unacceptable actions. To make it worse, they show their talent in bullying in school and sometimes the victims are lead to death. It clearly shows that the inculcation of good behavior begins at home.

     Besides the family, the next most important place to inculcate good behavior is the school.  However, if the school rules are not strict enough, students will keep continue their vandalism activity bravely. If the child or teenager keeps good company, he will develop good behavior and mannerism. But in this case, we already know with whom they have been friend with.

    Undoubtedly, religion does play a vital role in inculcating good behavior.  A god-fearing person will practice good behavior as he/she does not want to commit a sin purposely. I am sure that we agree that religion is the guide that enlightens our journey in this world. Clearly, these problematic teenagers are not afraid of God. Therefore, they could do these vandalism activities or even murder a person.

    In conclusion, the responsibility towards this matter should take as a joint responsibility of internal and external factors. The internal factors here refer to the teenager’s surroundings such as their parents and their family members. The external factors, on the other hand, refer to the school, teachers, peers and their surroundings as well as the government. All these factors must come to play to ensure the positive changes in vandalism among these problematic teenagers.  :-h 

335 words

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